
Lady of the House Worldwide CIC


Lady of the House will for the public benefit perform activities to benefit women, non binary, female-identifying persons marginalised gender working in the music or who want to work in music and women, non binary, female-identifying persons marginalised genders who utilise the sector for leisure/recreational purposes, as well as allies who support this community. In particular we will focus on those within electronic music and those who have additional intersectionalities / diversity. It is our intention to expand and grow with a view to reinvesting in the enterprise with the aim of further service development.


  • A programme of coaching, mentoring, training, advice and support for women, non-binary and gender marginalised people to progress their careers in music through workshops, one to one sessions, subscription services, online platforms, events, conferences and signposting.
  • Promotion of this communities music through music recordings (production and sale of) marketing, events and showcasing talent.
  • Promotion of the communities skill set and contribution they make to the music industry through storytelling, books, documentaries, awards and PR.
  • Service development – liaise with key stakeholders to identify service and support needs for this underrepresented community within music.
  • Supporting the sector in achieving gender parity through consultancy, research and awareness campaigns.
  • Engage other agencies, organisations and individuals to form working partnerships
  • Raising awareness of the suffering of this community within the music industry due to sexim and misogny through promotional campaigns and education.

How these Activites will benefit our community

This particular group are very underrepresented and have had limited access to practical support, training, mentoring or advice as little framework exists within the music industry particularly electronic music. We will deliver a structured package of services to ease the transition of aspiring professionals within this group into the music industry as well as supporting those of the group of people who are already working within music to feel fairly treated, safe and included.

As a community who are underrepresented and discriminated against they are at a disadvantage to other peers of having their creative work presented and platformed. The aim is to improve opportunities for this group and to advance their progression, visibility and position within music by giving them and their work elevation and amplification through the outlined activities

The aim is to improve opportunities for this particular group who are at a disadvantage due to underrepresentation and discrimination by recognising their professional capacity and contributions this will advance their progression, visibility and position within music by giving them and their profiles and contributions elevation and amplification through the outlined activities

Our existing partnerships with key stakeholders and organisations will help us to build services to provide the essential support.

Our experience, knowledge and reputation within diversity, equity and inclusion within music and the music industry gives us a prime position to lead in giving the sector the support it needs to tackle its misogynistic and sexist culture so that it can offer a more positive experience and imprint in society.

We will create working partnerships by building on existing relationships/ and engaging in new relationships agencies, organisations and individuals both across and outside of music who have a vested interest in benefiting the community. We are in a unique position because of our experience, visibility and network to bring resources together to assist in the goals of the CIC

To date there has been little focus historically on the depth of the suffering of this community because of misogyny and sexism, if we highlight the extent of this culture as well as providing solutions to ignite change we will start to take steps in eradicating attitudes and belief systems that uphold the current structures that are serving no one positively. By giving the marginalised a voice which they often do not have, we are honouring and respecting their struggle whilst taking proactive steps to change it.